Records Division: (269) 387-5575
Hours: 8am to 4pm
Fingerprinting: (269) 387-5576
Electronic/Livescan Fingerprinting Hours: By appointment only.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests vary in price based on the actual time spent preparing the documents for release.
For information about FOIA policies at WMU, check out the links below:
If you have any questions about obtaining police files, records and reports, please contact the Records Division at (269) 387-5575.
It is the responsibility of the person requesting the fingerprints to make sure all documentation is brought with you to Public Safety.
Print cards are not typically supplied by the Department of Public Safety.
Call (269) 387-5576 to schedule an appointment for fingerprinting. Livescan (electronic) prints are usually able to be scheduled between 9am and 11am or between 1pm and 3pm, on regular business days. Sometimes, due to unexpected circumstances, this service is not available.
Fingerprinting Fees:
Only cash and major credit cards are accepted.
American Express and checks are not accepted.